Institute for Biblical Research
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: Sapphire H (Fourth Level) - Hilton Bayfront
Theme: Research Group: Biblical Theology
The Biblical Theology group will continue a multi–year project begun in 2017, focusing on examples of biblical theological method and classification. Using the taxonomy of types of Biblical Theology offered in Understanding Biblical Theology (Zondervan, 2012), papers will outline, explore, and offer a worked example of their particular type of Biblical Theology. These papers may plot their methodological perspectives within one of the types of Biblical Theology offered in the taxonomy or they may reflect critically upon the taxonomy carving out new space upon the continuum for their particular view/approach to Biblical Theology. The goal of these sessions is to produce papers which reflect upon and refine the particular types of Biblical Theology in addition to providing clearly worked examples of each approach. For more information, visit the IBR website under the Research Groups tab (