Study at Wycliffe Hall

Wycliffe Hall offers a broad range of programmes and degrees to cater to a wide variety of needs.

All our programmes offer the academic excellence of a University of Oxford qualification, taught within a Christian community. If you’ve just heard about Wycliffe Hall for the first time, then a great place to start is our prospectus, which will give you a sense of what it is like studying at the Hall. Alternatively, you can delve into further information on either our Undergraduate or Graduate programmes, or scroll down for more information about our provision for students:

Our Community

Wycliffe places considerable emphasis on academic and spiritual formation, but all of this is couched within the defining character of community. Wycliffe is a community that thrives on the diversity of its members; where individuals are encouraged, nurtured, challenged and supported in their personal growth; and where each member plays an important role in the life of the wider body.

People come to Wycliffe from a wide variety of backgrounds, and each student brings a slightly different experience and perspective to their learning. There is a diversity of nationality (in recent years we have had up to 19 different nations represented among our staff and students!), of faith (from conservative evangelical to liberal Anglo-Catholic, and those of no faith at all), and of educational background (from students who left school at 16, to those who already have a doctorate). When you come to Wycliffe, you will find that you have a valuable contribution to make, but that you are also part of a much larger whole.

So what holds it all together? In addition to our core values [link to Values and Virtues], there are three activities which draw us back to our centre in Christ:

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At the centre of our common life is a commitment to worship our God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are not here just to talk about God but to revere him, respond to his Word, receive his grace and renew our relationship with him. There is a weekly rhythm of prayer: morning worship, private ‘quiet time’, Bible readings, college communion and informal prayer meetings. Many lectures and college meetings begin with prayer. Both staff and students meet weekly in small Fellowship Groups, which often include elements of prayer and worship.

Each of us reads and writes many words, but the most important word is that found in Scripture – the ‘word of life which fires us and sets our souls ablaze’. Our studying is effectively a delving deeper into God’s Word, its truth, its life and power—so that the ‘word of Christ’ can ever more ‘dwell in us richly’.

Finally, we are here not just for our own sake but for the sake of others so that we can be better equipped to ‘hold forth the Word of life’ to others. We can go out into the world with fresh understanding and renewed convictions about Jesus and his transforming power. Throughout your study you will be asked questions about how these truths can be best communicated to others. Many students are involved in outreach both in the city and in the University. Each year there are opportunities to be part of a mission team to churches and communities in the UK and abroad.

Being part of a community and sharing a common space inevitably has its challenges. Yet if you are ready for this, being willing to give of yourself to others and also to receive from them, you will find Wycliffe to be a truly welcoming community with many new friends to make and many activities to enjoy together. In addition to Wycliffe’s mealtimes, there are numerous social events: international cuisine evenings, visits to local Oxford attractions, and sporting activities. Every day there is coffee and tea in the student Common Room with opportunities for endless conversation.

Wycliffe also encourages families to become a real part of the community, and to share in this fellowship; spouses and children are welcome at meals throughout the week. Additionally, our spouses organisation, Contact, runs talks and Bible studies each week. All student spouses are welcome to join Contact, whatever your sense of call is and however you see your role alongside your spouse. We hear real life experiences and receive teaching from those already in all sorts of ministries; we share encouragements from Scripture and pray for one another; and we seek to help people settle into a new chapter in their lives and to support one another practically. Our hope is that friendships made at Contact will continue in the years to come to help support and sustain one another in ministry.

Support for disabled students

As a Christian community, we believe that all people have dignity and worth because all people are made in the image of God and beloved by Him. As part of our commitment to this truth, we will do all we can to ensure that no one is excluded or disadvantaged because of disability, with the aim of creating a fully inclusive environment for all students. Support for students with disabilities and learning difficulties begins with the Disability Lead, Katy Routh (also the Hall’s Senior Tutor) who works with students in ensuring access to support.

You can find further information in Wycliffe Hall's Disability & Equality Policy, the University of Oxford Common Framework for supporting disabled students, which Wycliffe is fully compliant with, and on the University of Oxford's Disability Support page, linked below.


Mature students

Our community is composed of students who are returning to, or continuing study, later in life, with both our academic programmes and our social activities designed for mature students. We therefore do not accept applications from those who are just leaving formal schooling.

Living at Wycliffe

Wycliffe has a range of accommodation options available for our students. You can find more information on our Accommodation webpages linked below. You can also contact Ilona El-Dabi, our Accommodation and Property Officer, with any questions you might have.

The Library

As well as the amazing resources available within the University of Oxford, Wycliffe students also have access to our large, specialist, in-house Library. More information can be found on the Library webpages.