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By Car

Parking is restricted at Wycliffe Hall but there are roads around the college you can park on for a limited period of time. Alternatively, you can use the car parks in the centre of the city or Oxford's Park & Ride service - see link below.

By Bus

Wycliffe Hall is in a position just north of the city centre that is well served by buses with two bus stops directly outside the college. For more information on bus services refer to the links “Local Buses 1 & 2” below.

By Coach

The main Oxford coach terminus is in the centre of the city at Gloucester Green and it is a 15-20 minute walk to the college. For more information on coach services refer to the various links below.

By Train

Oxford train station is just to the west of the city centre about 20-25 minutes walk to Wycliffe Hall. There are taxi ranks in the station that depending on traffic will cost about £5 for a fare to the college. For more information on train services refer
to the link “Trains” below.

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