Our Unity

Men and Women coming together to form a truly diverse community gives Wycliffe a sense of variety and dynamism. So what holds it all together?

In addition to our core values, there are three activities which draw us back to our centre in Christ:


At the centre of our common life is a commitment to worship our God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are not here just to talk about God but to revere him, respond to his Word, receive his grace and renew our relationship with him. There is a weekly rhythm of prayer: morning worship, private ‘quiet time’, Bible readings delivered by the staff, college communion and informal prayer meetings. Many lectures and most college meetings begin with prayer. Both staff and students meet weekly in ‘cell groups’. After a regular tutorial interview your tutor may often offer to pray with you.



Each of us reads and writes many words, but the most important word is that found in Scripture – the ‘word of life which fires us and sets our souls ablaze’. Our studying is effectively a delving deeper into God’s Word, its truth, its life and power—so that the ‘word of Christ’ can ever more ‘dwell in us richly’.



Finally, we are here not just for our own sake but for the sake of others so that we can be better equipped to ‘hold forth the Word of life’ to others. We can go out into the world with fresh understanding and renewed convictions about Jesus and his transforming power.  Throughout your study you will be asked questions about how these truths can be best communicated to others.  Many students are involved in outreach both in the city and in the University.  Each year there are opportunities to be part of a mission team to churches and communities in the UK and abroad.

In other words our community is made up of those who are seeking to look up to God in worship, to delve down more deeply into Scripture, in order to go out with the Good News.

This dynamic combination gives Wycliffe its unity and common purpose.